Sick of red eyes?
Eyes are the windows to the soul. The jewels of the body. The organs of the visual system. Your eyes are at work from the moment you wake up until the moment you close them to go to sleep.
No wonder they can be so affected by outside and inside influences. Although only one sixth of the human eyeball is exposed to the world, our eyes are made up of more than two million working parts, with muscles 100 times stronger than they need to be to perform their function. They may be only tiny parts of our body but they're the first things people see when they address us. The difference between red, irritated looking eyes and clear, bright ones can make a significant impact on how we're perceived by others and how we feel about ourselves.
Everyone has red, irritated eyes from time to time, whether from the external effects such as air conditioning, pollen, sun glare, smoky environments and dust or internal irritants like reading, wearing contact lenses, swimming or too much screen time.
There are several things a person can do to alleviate eye irritation and redness. A good first step is to administer one or two drops of a decongestant eye drop, such as Clear Eyes Redness, to clear up the redness, enabling some relief and giving them a chance to implement natural solutions such as taking a break from a computer screen.
Clear Eyes Redness uses the active ingredient Naphazoline Hydrochloride, a decongestant, which narrows the engorged blood vessels which are the hallmark of bloodshot eyes. Narrowing the blood vessels removes redness and results in whiter, brighter eyes.
Keeping a spare bottle in a handbag or backpack is a sensible way to get relief on the run for the unfortunate person who has caught sight of a pair of bloodshot eyes in a bathroom mirror.
Keep Clear Eyes Redness in your medicine cabinet, for relief and a pair of confident eyes to present to the world.