The founder of Singapore-based Recruitment to Recruitment (Rec to Rec) company, Intuitive Recruitment, set up the business after struggling to balance her time between her young family and the hours required in a traditional recruitment company.
Justine Bower says she noticed in Singapore there were very few flexitime or work-from-home options in the recruitment industry.
“When I set up Intuitive Recruitment, I wanted to buck the traditional trend of 12 to 14 hour days and see if I could come up with a unique value proposition for potential employees,” says Justine.
“I am of the belief that you don’t need to be in the office twenty-four-seven to be successful in recruitment. Recruiters are constantly taking their work home with them and scheduling meetings and calls after hours. I wanted to acknowledge that with the team and make it easier for them to balance this with what is going on in their lives.”
The result is a successful flexitime system, where consultants can design their working day around their personal needs.
“Some of us have kids to drop off and pick up from school so work from 10am to 4pm, while others have family commitments that require a 1pm start,” says Justine.
“The key for me is to focus on results, not on how many hours you sit in the office. We have very transparent deliverables that are based on quality not quantity and provided these are met, the hours are irrelevant.”
Justine says for flexitime environments to work well, the policy must be transparent and documented with consistent policies around managing day to day work.
There should be robust modes of communication when people are not in the office, for example shared calendars and there should be set days when everyone is in the office, to keep communication lines aligned.
There should also be trust.
“If you can’t get comfortable with leaving people to do their job out of the office, don’t run this model,” she says.