Taupo Based Uptake Expands its Fertiliser Reach to the Dairy Goat Industry

Worldwide demand for goat’s milk is growing rapidly and Uptake customers Jenny and Kevin Roache of Putaruru are answering the call.

Kevin and Jenny Roache have a successful dairy goat operation in Putaruru, Waikato and have now set up another farm at Te Pahu, beside Mount Pirongia.

The Roaches have used Uptake’s fertilising processes on their goat farm since they started 10 years ago.  Prior to that they used Uptake on their sheep and beef farm in the Manawatu.

We use Uptake fertiliser in combination with barn waste,” says Mrs Roache, “so the two seem to be working nicely together.  We’re growing grass and beautiful clover so it’s working very well.”

The Roache’s goats, as most dairy goats in New Zealand, are kept in barns.

“They get a couple of hours a day outside to graze but we can’t have them outside too long because the sun will burn their udders,” explains Mrs Roache.  “Milking goats have bigger udders, unlike wild goats.

“Wild goats naturally stay in places where there’s lot of bush around them so they’re sheltered from the sun.  We’ve got some outdoor goats in our co-op but they have lots of trees and shelter around.

“It’s important for us to grow healthy, nutritious grass, which we cut and bring into the goats.  Using Uptake is ensuring this is the case.”

Mrs Roache says there is worldwide interest in goat milk products, especially in Asian markets.

“90 percent of it is exported overseas,” she says.  “In the Asian countries there’s a big demand because they take their children’s health very seriously.  Goat’s milk is more easily digestible and less allergenic than cow’s milk and it’s closer to human breast milk.”

Taupo-based Uptake has been in operation since 1984.  They are New Zealand's experts in soil, plant and animal health and nutrition.